Saturday, July 14, 2012

                               A Land Of Wolves

There is an old cliché that if you want to know the humane level of any society, observe the treatment of handicaps and elderly people in it. I take the liberty here to include the treatment of women and children too. Every now and then we come across few soul-stirring incidents which shake the very pedestals of human conscience or even the idea of humanism itself. The Guwahati  incidence of girl being molested in primitive barbaric manner was an epitome of that itself in full glory. A mute nation of 1.2 billion spectacled on TV this horrendous crime whose nonplussing nature left everyone flabbergasted. Many of them, the so called ‘intelligentsia’ made it a dinner table conversation. Many girls and their mothers vent out a silent prayer to God to protect them from such incidents every time they step out in a local train, bus or metro. A large population as expected flipped the channel and watched those tear-jerker soap operas or music channels. A miniscule fraction had an uneasy sleep with those horrifying images haunting them. A day later, a self-mandated ‘social panchayat’ barely a 60 km away from the National capital announced the diktat curbing the women’s independence to bare minimum. But it is not about these one or two bizarre obnoxious events only. People might say, blabbering on net won’t solve the case. I’m aware of that. I’m not solving the case. I’m presenting my resentment as an Indian and a human being. Today I feel ashamed to call myself a ‘mard’, whatever that means. If stripping down a helpless adolescent girl in a downtown area and getting away with a guffaw is a display of machismo, then I would love to spend my life in a country of hermaphrodites.  Come on people, what has got into everyone??? Enough is enough. Stop basking in the glory of being proud Indians and chanting your country as the ‘Greatest in the World’. This is blatant chauvinism which is bound to doom everyone. Yes, I don’t think ours is the greatest nation in the world, not even close to it. A nation is not about its landscapes or geographical assets. A country is what the people living in it are. And if such wolves inhabit the country in all the parts, then it’s nothing more than a jungle. Yes, a jungle where wolves wear pants and shirts. Wolves that go berserk after getting drunk on streets but treat any female consuming alcohol as a whore, a piece of raw meat which is required to satiate their hunger. These wolves issue diktats that ours is a cultural land where women shouldn’t drink or wear revealing clothes and should confine to the roles of these wolves-reproducing mothers.  What about your culture, your ethics and nationalism you leech? Stop making these frequent visits to Tirupati, Ajmer, Shirdi, Bangla Saheb, the local temples and mosques. God will never be pleased with you no matter how dark are the sandal liners on your forehead or how long the beard you keep. You may not touch non-veg and liquor for life, God won’t give you any brownie points if you’ve kept this wolf alive inside you.
I was born in an educated, unorthodox family, where the interpretation of culture didn’t vary from my sister to me. Yes, I’m a practicing Muslim and proud of my roots. No matter what the perceptions are, I vociferously vouch for the dignity and rights of the women not in spite of being a Muslim but because of it. And I know a fair amount of my religious information backing me. Prophet Mohammed PBUH said ‘’never look down upon people who’ve daughters. Remember, I’m a father of daughters too. Daughters are the blessing of Almighty upon you, a proof that He is happy with you. ’’ a reason why one can see the predominance of names like Fatima and Zainab in Muslim families.                                                  
 Alas, merely naming won’t make the prophet and his God content. Nor will establishing giant statues of Goddesses like Laxmi, Durga,Kali  and Sarasvati if their own human incarnations are pursued as sex objects.
From Mangalore to Lucknow to Mumbai to Delhi to even the perceivably liberal cities of North-East, an obnoxious breed of wolves and jackals are breeding and quadrupling. I reject this distinction of India-Bharat here. No village is better, no city is safer. People are either actors in these crimes, or worse, they are the silent onlookers.  Anxious people are worrisome about giving birth to daughters. They are dreading about their future and safety- adding one of the major reasons behind female feticide and infanticide; a reason which Amir Khan’s Satyamev Jayte missed to elucidate.
Eve-teasers, rapists and molesters are out in the jungle blatantly. The common college goers and working females on one hand have learned to be prone to the passing remarks and glares from the nooks and on the other hand, pray silently that the next victim of any wolf pack would not be them. As for the rest, we are still busy getting stuffed food in our mouth by our ‘mommies’, getting done with our share of daily rituals of worshipping Goddesses and as soon as we step out of our cozy homes, checking the neckline of the female standing near the bus stop and deducing the number of men she must’ve slept with according to the dress she is wearing. And yeah, end of the day, posting ‘’India is the greatest country’’ on facebook. Middle class indulges in cribbing about the failure of the establishment while forgetting that ‘One gets the government he deserves’. If we are demons, we can’t expect angels to be our caretakers. People like me are left wondering what type of creatures we are? Ostriches, I guess.


Monami Mandal said...

Amen!!! your blog has left me speechless.. you have voiced outlike a true indian and more importantly " MAN" .. I sincerely hope your message would be a weapon to strike on those pigs.. keep writing my friend, i salute you as your words have been enriched with the virtues that woman face..

Unknown said...

very well written dear bro .....keep writing......good work

Mansi Jain said...

Aftr reading it i hv no other option bt to leave a comment here... Its really awesome.. D words reflect d voice nd mindset f an indian perturbed by current incidents.. Gud saifi :)

saifff said...

Monami: thnx a ton.. Though I never intended it to become a tool for change or anything but still I'm glad that I could vicariously represent the feelings of fellow citizens..m glad fr your encouraging words :-)

saifff said...

Iraj bro: if you keep motivating me like this, sure wud continue the writing job :-) thnx man

saifff said...

Mansi: it feels humbling as well as proud when ur work can have that effect on someone as u said u'd.. Having said tht , its gud to see tht u cud relate to the emotions I was trying to convey..n yeah..thanx a lot for ur words :-)

Praveen Damodhar said...

Very well written. Good work!

Unknown said...

i wish every indian or i would rather say every MAN had thinking like u...very well written.
keep up the good work !!!
n ya don't forget to give me autograph next time :)

saifff said...

Demo: coming from u , it matters a lot . Thnx
Vini: v flattering comments. :-) such words prompt one to write always no matter hw garbage is the content :-) Gracia

Abhishek said...

As always very well written. I specially liked the last para, where u point out the hypocrisy that lives in all of us.!!
I would like to add a point though, that girls need to be careful abt wat they wear, how they carry themselves and wat they do too. In this Guwhati case, it probably was foolishness on her part too. No, I am not being a sexist. Those who r more physically powerful, prevail. Its basic common sense and hence weaker ones need to act with caution.
For example, in India I myself would not dare wear a thick gold chain and flaunt it and walk in middle of the night in a deserted road.
I right now stay in Buffalo,NY as u know. And here none of the guys dare walk alone after 10 usually coz we r bound to get mugged. This in a country that has one of the best cops. Cops here usually reach in less than 5min of we callin them, and still muggin is very very common, and we dont dare to go out of house in a group smaller than 3.
Hope u get the point. I am not sayin rapin or molestin is right. But dependin on the place and situation its important to live in a way that is appropriate and lead life more sensibly.!

rainbow said...

good work dear,but problem is with WE THE PEOPLE of INDIA,,WE TRY to do what evr Americans or foreigners do,we want bcm like thm ,like to wear like them and forgetting our cultur of love affection respect to elders,women which our ancestors have followed.and there is a big role of MEDIA in spoiling our culture,and also representing women as a thing of sex.see any perfume add or any add what they want to teach society,,watched COCKTAIL WHAT THEY WERE TEACHING YOUNG GENERATION by making SUCH SEXUALLY HYPED MOVIE...AND IF WE HAVE TO BCM LIKE AMERICA OR ANY WESTERN COUNTRY ITS NOT BY COPYING THERE STYLE OR LOSING OUR CULTURE BUT BY CHANGING OUR MINDSETS,PROUD TO BE INDIAN AND ITS CULTURE,SOME DOGS HAVE MADE US ASHAMED BUT IT DOESN'T MEAN THAT COUNTRY OF RAM and RAHIM WILL LOSE ITS glory///GOD BLESS INDIA

karan said...

A nice take on the "Wolves" present in the society. I specially liked the ending statement.
Keep more coming..

Bijay said...

Saifi, Whatever you've written makes sense but what I would like to add to this is humans always are animals and some as pointed by you are wolves too but the problem in this part of the jungle we live in (India) has corrupt Lion King (Government+System)which allows for the healthy survival of these wolves. May be people who feel content with their life need to get into action mode and yours is a very small but good an attempt to ignite passion into more people. Look forward to more...

As Kodi says at times we are right in many ways but still we gotta be careful. Read this (though a very different issue) and you know that its not only the fairer sex that gets troubled in this "mera bharat mahan".